My husband told me flies are territorial. They don’t leave the “area” where they hatch from. Okay……Anyway, I made the mistake (also known as -had no choice) but to use my suburban to haul water to the two steers we had borrowed for Dillon to practice Chute Dogging with. (Yeah, two days of practice and then, nada.) Dillon was gone and they needed water. There was already grass and hay in the back from hauling my empty *sigh* beehive/swarm trap back home from the pasture. So, it was no biggie to throw the black tub, that had a slight leak, in the back of the suburban and fill it ¼ full of water. I drove ever so slowly up to where the steers, and bucking bulls, and horses were penned. Lots of manure and lots of flies. With my whole back door open, I had to drag the tub out. Probably three times my weight. It hit the ground and splashed all over me, the door and the ground. No worries, I still had plenty of water left. Used a bucket to transfer the water from the tub to the smaller tub the steers were using. Closed the back of the suburban and back to the house I went.

The next morning, I had to take the boys to school. Trey said we needed a bug bomb in the suburban cause there were so many flies. I told him to swat them out. I saw maybe one or two on the way to town and a couple on the way home. No biggie.

Til later that afternoon when it warmed up to 73 degrees and I got into the suburban. I swear there were over 30 flies! I’d fix their wagon. First off, I have a little dark looking “floaty” in my right eye. Doctor says it’s normal for people my age. (seriously?!?) Whatever. So, I’m leery about swatting at a fly that isn’t really there. However, there were plenty, but one other issue to note. Maggie (our dog/puppy/pain in my butt) had chewed up a box of clean (one blessing) tissues that I had forgotten to clean up in the suburban the day before.

As I said, I’d fix those flies. Driving down a dusty gravel road, I opened all 4 windows. Well flies were flying everywhere sucked by the vacuum of wind, tissue pieces were floating all over the place and getting sucked out the windows. While dust was somehow getting sucked in, of course. I’m pretty sure that is what a blizzard in the dessert would look like if there ever was one. Ok. I rolled up all the windows and checked out the fly situation. Still a few but a lot less. So, I decided to just open two windows. Still had tissues and flies all over. By the time I reached the airport I had maybe three flies left and tissue pieces were scattered all over the suburban. I made sure those stupid flies were out by the time I got to Walmart. So, if they are territorial, they have a long way to go to get home.

Now, about all that grass in the back….
